So I live in metro Atlanta and am getting started and I'm primarily interested in Character acting not so much audiobook reading or commercials, I've been auditioning for small fandub projects and things on Casting Call Club, but while I'm doing to that to get a bit of experience I need to find a coach or experienced actor to show me how to improve and what next steps to take. Not only career wise, but I would also like someone who can help me develop my voice and everything. Does anyone know any coaches or experienced talent who'd be willing to listen and teach a bit?
What/Who are some of your favorite classes/teachers to help with rep for your book, whether it be recommending songs or practicing existing rep?
I'm working on getting into doing voiceover, but I'm finding that I need to work on my acting abilities and my ability to dissect a script. I'm taking part in some plays locally, but the theater around here is VERY casual. Like, any ability is fine even if your 'acting' only consists of reading the lines in a funny voice. Because the standards are so low, it means there isn't a whole lot to learn from the people you work with. I don't think there's anyone with any formal acting training; most of the skill the best actors around here have is derived from experience and trail and error. I've looked for acting classes and there are diddly squat within at least a 150 mile radius. Because of this, I'm turning to the internet. Does anyone know of any GOOD online acting classes? Because my focus is primarily voiceover, I don't think it would be a terrible option as 99.9% of the time, I'm just standing in front of a microphone and all the emotion has to be conveyed in my voice. I know John Windsor Cunningham does them, but I can't find anything about him on the site. Anybody who's asked has only received an ominous 'pm me for more information'. Is he credible? If not, what other alternatives are there? Any help is most appreciated.
Kind of an odd question. I sent a short film to three of my agencies to see if it was worth putting on actors access. None of them have gotten back to me/aren’t responding to my request for feedback. Is there something I did wrong?
Hi all! Brand spanking new actor with my first [acting headshots](! I went from 159 to 28. I know there are still too many to go through, but I really appreciate some feedback on which ones are good. The blemishes will be edited. I'd also appreciate suggestions for my type and age!
I've been taking acting classes since I was little, and still currently take them now. I'm from Pittsburgh, and achieved something every theater kid from Pittsburgh dreams of... I got into Carnegie Mellon University for drama, but wasn't able to attend because of costs. I come from a pretty poor family, and college was always out of the question. As I turn 21, I've been noticing that almost all working actors have a college degree. I feel like I'm underqualified because I don't have a college degree. Any advice? how important is a college degree??My goal is to work regularly as an actor in Pittsburgh or NYC, and work on small indie films, in the hopes of writing, directing, and starring in my own one day. Any advice?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hi guys, i have a few big projects this year and am looking for the right manager in the US, can anyone recommend me anyoen in L.A or New York
I just signed up to Mandy yesterday and I'm building up my profile as part of my 31 day trial. I've filled in 83% of my profile, the last things I need to add are my headshots which I'm planning to get done, as mentioned in my previous post 'Choosing Headshot Photographers (London)' However, I'm quite surprised to find I've already recieved 3 emails today showing me 3 paid job macthes 'based on the information you gave when registering on Mandy Actors UK' However, they made an error as one of the roles offered is from 24-35. I'm not 24, so why would they send it to me 'based on the information I gave them'. Dodgy much? Also, it seems way to soon. I mean they are ***trying*** to get paying customers after the trial ends, so do you think they are just sending me automated opportunites in an attempt to convince me to subscribe? Should I be cautious about this? From the Mandy search results I've read on this subreddit, their not the best and offer just vary basic or fly off the wall acting gigs. Ideally, I would want to be on Spotlight as it's the creme de la creme for actors in the UK but I don't have 4 official credits. Please see below the description of the roles offered: ​ I.Q.A | Andrew Hogg Location - Chelmsford 18-25 year old male £80 a day (NLW - National Living Wage £65 per 8 hour day) * Short film will be around 11 mins run time * Set in a near future utopia where first world countries are dictated by the Transnational authoritarian government the intellectual quota authority, (I.Q.A). * All citizens who reach the age of 21 must score 135 or above in their final I.Q test, if failing to do so, they will be deported or worse terminated. * Story follows Andrew who has just turned 21, who faces the dilemma of either staying for the test that he is knowingly going to fail or to escape. * Production Dates Late January to End of February Role 2 ​ Our Journey | Swaggaman Location - West Hampstead 20-30 year old male | £65 a day * This production has signed the Protecting Actors Casting Agreement * We are looking for a talented BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) male actor, age 20-30, for a YouTube web series (they've attached a document about it). * The character portrayed in the series is an enthusiastic, ambitious but seriously deluded boyband manager with a London accent. * Production dates - 13/01/19 - 14/01/19 ​ Please give me your thoughts on this, should I approach these opportunites with an air of caution, how can you genuinely know if these are legit casting opportunites? I mean they didn't even list any audition dates. I look forward to your guys feedback. Cheers! ​
Rachel, you see, I'm an actor! (Joey in Friends lol) I need a quality headshot. So, I did a google search earlier on looking for a number of professional photographers with whom I can get my headshots taken. I've found 7 that I've shortlisted which vary in price, but I know the common term is to spend on what you can afford. Do you find that the price reflects in the quality of the photographs? The cheapest I've found was £175 and from the photos on the site, they looked of a very high quality for the price. However, there were some other photographers that were more expensive but were also of an exceptional standard and offer a higher number of photos taken, to have a wider range to choose from including retouching. Listed below are the London headshot photographers I've shortlisted. If anyone in London, has ever used them or has any reccomendations, I'd appreciate your feedback. Let me know which you think is best for the price? ​ Pete Bartlett Photography £255 | Deposit £50 | 1hr 30mins |3/4 changes | 200 shots | 3 fully retouched []( ​ Roberto Vivancos Studio £175 | Deposit £40 | 5 High Resolution Images | 3 light setups | 1hr 30mins | Unlimited Changes []( ​ Kirill Kozlov - Working together with Spotlight, The Actors Guild & Casting Call Pro as stated on site £260 | 2hrs | 400 photos | all photos given after session |UK 10x8 & American Landscape Style | Spotlight, IMDB & Casting Agency Standards ready | 4 changes | 4 retouched | Studio & Outside | Copyright on all photos to use for self promotion []( * They also have very good reviews on google (5 star review based on 95 Google Reviews) ​ John Clark Photography | £250 | 3 retouched images | saved online for 18 months []( ​ Mug Photography | £300 | 3 retouched | 2 hrs []( ​ Vincenzo Photography | £240 | 2 hrs | 200+ shots | 3 colour | 3 black and white * They also offer self tape services seprately []( ​ Headshots LDN | £250 | 2.5 hrs | all images taken in low resolution 800-1200 sent within 2 days| Unlimited changes | 3 retouched high resolution print size | Colour and Black & White images of your choice cropped to 10x8 | sent within 10 days| Image review during session []( ​ Also, I have a question in regards to looks and wheter it should be updated accordingly to your looks changing. I'm in the middle of filming in a mockumentary short film, where I'm clean shaven and have a skin fade with a small part on the right side of my hair as part of my role. However, normally I would have my haircut at an even level all over (number 2) with a moustache and goatee line up. Is it worth getting a headshot at the moment or should I wait until after I finish filming? I say this because there is an actors network group that I want to join where they are running regular short courses this month that I want to book, and in order to be a member I need to either have a Spotlight or Mandy profile link with a headshot. I've just signed up for Mandy, as I don't yet meet the criteria for Spotlight. Most of my profile is complete (83%) I just to get my headshots. Any feedback is much appreciated, cheers ! ​ ​
Very much interested, thanks!
(kind of a rant) I kind of messed up. Came to uni to study Drama and Film. I know nowadays a degree helps open a lot of doors, but in Drama and film, I feel the actual experience of working within would of benefitted me more so than learning about old practices. Absoloutley no technique. No growth as an actor, I entered uni as a bright eyes aspiring actor, and now I couldn't think of anything worse, and confidence and talent I felt I had has been sucked out. Secondly... I really don't enjoy performance art, it's too pretentious. Maybe I just don't get it. I try to understand/appreciate it. But a large majority of it lacks any sort of intelligence in my opinion, its either vulgar just for shock value or just so basic a child could do it. Long story short I massively regret choosing contemporary for 3rd year university seminars. Regardless of how much I dislike it, I'm just gonna soldier through. Nearly free from the clutches of education. I can't wait to be broke and jobless after I graduate with an arts degree. Finally, does anyone have an advise to try reignite my passion? I went to an am dram from 9-16 and have studied drama in school, college and also uni. But uni has sucked me dry.
Hi everyone. So let's talk about FLAWS. I have a lot of them and I feel like they may be a great hindrance to my success in such a vain profession. I have a raised scar on the right of my forehead (Harry Potter style haha) and makeup helps a bit with the color but not texture. I often try to encourage myself by reminding myself that actors like Chiwetel Eijofor or Michael K. Williams have scars but they're men so they're scars can add "character" while I believe women's looks are judged more harshly. I usually wear my hair strategically to cover it but I know I can't hide it forever. I just recently took some headshots and its showing in some of the pics and I am apprehensive to submit them for projects although I know CDs need to see me as I am. I also have stretch marks on my chest and shoulder areas which make me feel more self conscious pursuing acting (apprehensive about intimate scenes or having to wear revealing clothing for projects). What are your thoughts on flaws in this industry? Do I stand a chance? ​ [close up of scar](
I'm not a voice actor, but I do voice over some narration for videos I make. I find however that I have very little longevity with my voice, and it gets pretty hoarse after a mere couple minutes. It also doesn't help that I start losing my breath as well, so when I speak longer sentences, it causes more strain, hence even hoarser and raspier. Even if I take a pause to take some deep gulps of breath, it still doesn't help as much as taking a solid break for a few minutes. It's very noticeable when I compare how I started off the narration and ended it. I honestly sound like two different people. I don't know if this problem is just unique to me. Maybe it's the way I'm reading the script. I try to speak as clearly as possible, and because this is not my normal way of speaking, it strains my vocal chord. In general, my voice gets really hoarse at night time, even if I haven't talked much at all. I start sounding like Harvey Pekar by then. I tried researching hoarsiness, but I only got articles that suggested I should go to the doctor. I don't think I'm sick, so I figured I'd try appealing to people who specialize in this. I can't imagine how people manage reading all day for audio books without losing their voice. I can barely go ten minutes without feeling lightheaded.
Hello fellow actors, Happy new year to you all! My question here is about joining an agency. I'm wondering what I would need to tell them and what they might be looking for in order to make them want to work with me?
Hello, ​ Does anyone know where I can get a sample acting cover letter? I have no experience out side of plays that I did in high school and a web series that I was on a year or two ago. I'm really trying to buckle down and become a working actor. Thanks!
I moved to Atlanta recently for career and family reasons (and because honestly I lived in LA for almost a decade and never felt at home the way I did in Atlanta). Anyway, while I’ve been researching their client lists on IMDB Pro, I’m wondering if anyone had any personal or second-hand experience (good or bad) with the following agencies I’m planning on submitting to in the new year (some of which I have referrals to, others would just be blind submissions): * \- **Houghton** * \- **AMT** * \- **STW (I have a referral)** * \- **Stewart (have a referral)** * \- **Privilege** (I wasn't even gonna bother with Alexander White or People Store because their website submission sections are basically like “Ugh, please don’t.”) If I don’t hear back from any of the above, I may also submit to: ​ * \- **Classic (have a referral)** * \- **Bold** * \- **J Pervis** * \- **Jana Van Dyke** **If you have experience with them, can you answer any or all of the following?** * \- If they rep across the board, are their commercial, theatrical, and VO departments equally strong or would you say one of their departments was stronger and it might not be a bad idea to submit to separate agents for commercial, theatrical, etc? * \- How often do/did you go out on union auditions during episodic season? * \- How often did you go out on union auditions for commercials (on-camera commercials and VO)? * \- What was your relationship/communication like? Was it hands-on and personable, or did they not want you to talk to them unless it was to confirm a callback, and you were kind of on your own otherwise? * \- Did your agent know everyone on their roster, or was it more of a faceless machine where developmental talent (those with few or no co-stars like me) got lost? * \- As a bicoastal actor that lives in Atlanta now, but still flies back and forth a lot for ongoing VO work in LA, it’d be a huge plus for me if the Southeast agent I sign with was bicoastal too. Does your agency either have a theatrical branch in LA (like Stewart) or have the relationships where they could secure you theatrical auditions in other markets outside the Southeast? (This might be something that’s only achievable with like a People Store or AWA level rep, but I figured it’d be worth asking if anyone else ever had agents set them up with bicoastal rep). **Some context about me/my career/type if it's helpful:** I'm a 20-something ethnically ambiguous SAG actress, with a theatre degree and some stage credits under my belt, continued training in LA in improv (completed all levels at UCB), on-camera acting, and a lot of VO classes (which was where opportunities opened up for me most so I signed with a good VO agent and worked pretty regularly in animation, video games, etc. but VO credits don’t mean dick to theatrical agents in LA) My professional on-camera resume on the other hand is a bit lacking. While in LA, I did a bunch of student films, produced my own content, and got called in maybe a handful of times for co-stars by CDs I met in workshops (and was even put on avail for Mindy Project once) but I couldn't leverage those auditions or CD relationships to get theatrical rep there (agents were like "Cool. Let us know if you book") **TL;DR:** Which of the above agents do you have any experience with and like or dislike? (if you have any horror stories you don’t want to share publicly, feel free to PM me)
Who has done voice over/voice acting work before? I’d love to get into it and I’ve always been told I’d be good at it. I have a good USB mic (Blue Yeti) and a pop filter, now I just need to put them to good use. Any tips or stories...
I'm in my late 50s. I want to be an actor. I've always wanted to be an actor, I just never admitted it to myself. After reading one article I see that acting can really improve my personal, as well as professional life! When I stop to think about this I realize that for better or for worse, I have always been an actor! And a darn good actor! This might explain why I have met with some difficulties at jobs. Learning the science that goes into acting might have very well allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the science of communication. As you know, communication is not only verbal, but consists of listening and body language as well. I am in the NYC/NJ area. I'm wondering if anyone might suggest a good acting school I can attend. Here is an excellent article on how acting can help improve one's life.