weird question but can anyone recommend any online resources to learn american pronunciation? I just figured actors need really clear voices so maybe you would know of some? I'm mute, and I really really really want to learn to talk. I couldn't get speech therapy in school because I wasn't ESL so I couldn't fix this earlier. I'm in Toronto and I've searched high and low for pronunciation help, but all the services I've found only accept ESL/ Stroke survivors so if any actors know of any services in Toronto that help with pronunciation I'd be much obliged (like dialect coaches for american accents or something, doesn't have to be a speech therapist). not mute as in "you need to get over your fear of talking" I'm mute as in "your tongue and lips don't move quickly enough, they don't know where to go" (due to childhood parental neglect - doesn't matter, not here to turn this into a sob story). Which lead to incorrect pronunciation and tone (it is possible to learn tone? Apparently lip position and pronunciation affects tone so I'm doubly screwed). Sorry for the rant but I really want to learn, I don't have any friends bc I can't express myself verbally, which leads to sucky social skills, which leads to no friends, which leads to, you get it, its a vicious cycle that is eating me alive. also this is the only medium in which I'm understood so I tend to go a bit overboard. sorry for the rant, I just really want to change. tl:dr could anyone recommend any online resources/ people in Toronto to help with pronunciation? -if this isn't the right subreddit to post this in could anyone redirect me to one that is? thanks!
Long story short: wanted to act since I was 18, was ridiculed by family for it, went to medical school instead due to family pressure and fear of the unknown. Hate everything about medical school and left. I left for reasons beyond acting- I was truly miserable in the field and realized that I really don’t want to do it. My family lives near LA now and I’m going back home to live with them and find a job, as well as become hot again (thanks med school for the 15 lbs and terrible skin complexion). I need some serious advice on how to start out an actor at age 26 and actually become successful in it. I have the work ethic of a champ, I just need some serious guidance because I understand that acting is a business and an art. Thank you.
Just curious. Do you delete old reels from actors access/youtube once you update and upload a newer one? I recently updated mine and am not sure if I should just leave my old one up or not.
I paid the $68 so i want to make sure I’m utilizing everything for what i paid! Thank you!
I am a junior high school student, and I dream of being an actor. I’m my drama teacher’s favourite so I get all the leads in that class and I was a lead in the much more intense musical theatre program. In the fall I was also in a professional show in the community. Thing is, is I don’t feel like I deserve any of that, and that any praise is useless and that I’m not going anywhere in life, I get bad grades and I just waste time acting. I don’t know what the point of this rant was but there it is.
Hi all. I'm an actor based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's a small market so there are few opportunities to get material for your showreel. So I've decided to team up with a mate of mine who's a super talented cinematographer with top of the line equipment. His graded work looks better than most productions I've been on. We're going to be shooting some scenes for my showreel. So here's the question; do you have any tips for shooting your own scenes? Do you write your own script? Do you just 'steal' from lesser known projects and switch out some lines? Any tips much appreciated!
they are unpaid but can be SAG. I know some videographers with good equipment so they will look great when completed. PM your reel / website / email and I'll get back to you! other actors outside this range feel free to PM as well, I write shorts all the time, maybe your look will inspire me to write something for us.
I just saw an interview with Mark Ruffalo and at one point he said he got his first big role after LITERALLY more than SIX HUNDRED AUDITIONS. I thought that was awesome, insane-ish too, but mostly awesome. So, i want to make this as a post where actors struggling with their carreers and questioning the big "Am i ever gonna make it?" could read how people actually struggle, but make it. But i need your help, i need you to share your story. I don't know, are you already on the bussiness? How long did it take for you? Are you trying to make it yet? Tell us how you keep going, day to day, thinking "I AM GONNA MAKE IT!". Or even if you know a story like the Ruffalo's one, just share it here. Let's help each other, show that it is possible, and that we are gonna make it. Thank you, Folks.
Hey everybody, So about 2 years ago I ran a podcast for Actors Connection in NYC, I posted it here when it launched. Now a days I mostly lurk here and help people pull footage for reels and such when people need it(editing is my job). The podcast ran for 22 episodes and I got a lot of great feedback here back then, and I had to step away to move into other things. Now I've been able to resurrect it and get some pretty great guests on the docket, first being a principal cast member of Hamilton which went up today. There's 4 other pods recorded and scheduled for publishing. Just like before there's NO ads, NO corporate shilling (I'm allergic)... just casual conversations over beers with people way above our pay-grades. And a soon to air bonus episode covering how to shoot your and edit own content, giving away the knowledge that keeps me employed. Really hope it might be of use/entertainment to you all and seriously we would welcome any feedback. Positive or negative. If you would like us to try and get a guest, let us know. We just might be able to. Find it by searching either "B-Roll" or "Actors Connection"(its still technically owned by AC) in your favorite podcast app, or if you use apple podcasts tap/click here": Old post for full transparency:
So I’m getting really into the drums and am aspiring to be a professional. I’m still very young (14) and am pretty decent with my acting skills (I’m paired up alongside 16 year olds and above) but trying to get better with my flaws. I’m just wondering if learning certain instruments have an advantage in the acting career since I’ve noticed many famous actors knowing how to play instruments.
I'm a New actor and I've pushed it off for so long bc I've been really terrified of going for it, I live in London and decidied to register for a summer program at one of the best drama schools here since it's not audition based. I'm COMPLETEY terrified. I'm still such a newbie. I wanna try to prepare myself as much as possible so if anyone has any advice I'm totally open.
And extra access? I made an account for extras access and it’s only NY and LA, is there any way to get extra experience without paying Backstage’s high prices? I’ve never been an extra before and idk if I’ll ever get a role so I’m not sure if I should spend $100+ just yet
Is there anyone here who has been really succesfull in their acting career? How'd you get there?
My goal is not to be a stand up comedian or anything, I was curious and thinking of taking a Improv class, I was wondering if you guys fond that beneficial? or have found some great use to it.
Talk about a performance you saw recently, in any medium-stage, TV, film. Good or bad; what did you like about it? What didn't seem to work? The more specific the better.
So I recently got accepted into the University of Calgary, this uni in Alberta. I'm taking a major in Drama. Honestly, I'm very happy. I had great doubt about whether I would be accepted anywhere at all. And my original goal all along was to study acting. But the cost of boarding for the first year alone is over $10,000 Canadian\(which is sad since I missed a good joke but anyway.\) Is it stupid to pursue Acting in university when it's so very unlikely that I'll pay it off? Am I making the wrong choice?
Hello all! My headshots and demo reel aren't exactly what I want them to be, but I'm hesitant to invest more money in these when the agency may want me to market myself differently. Do you make sure your headshots and demo reel are the epitome of perfection before applying to agencies, or do you submit when you can? Thanks Loves! <3