Hi. I recently played a role in a student film (no pay, haven’t signed a release form either). I didn’t like the culture on set and the direction that the film started to take. What can I do to not allow them to use the footage of me that they...
Hey, not an actor, nor do I have the interest at the moment, but I’ve always had this curiosity. Do agents hook you up with private auditions (ones you can’t find/head about without connections) for most of these? What’s that like? From the inception of the project, to the final seat sold, what’s the casting process like? Any personal stories? Cheers!
I understand that online is no replacement for face to face training. I am looking for an online acting school that can prepare me for acting school a year from now.
I'm still a studying actor and fairly new (about 3 semesters of community college into it) but I've read a ton of recommended books from my working actor friends (whom I'm not so close with anymore). I've been a signed model to a fairly large agency in LA for around 2 years. I'm currently working and going to school full time but by the end of the year I'll have a certificate that will allow me to audition during the week and work on weekends fairly comfortably. I've decided that in the meantime, before I lose my modeling agency from being so preoccupied with school/9-5 work, I'd use the leverage I have to acquire a talent manager so that I'd at least be able to work on auditioning and self tapes. I have a few monologues and tons of headshot-ish photos from my modeling career, but no formal reel. I know I made tons of mistakes going in blind to the modeling world and signed with a couple really bad agencies and was somehow able to wiggle my way out of those contracts, I don't want to make the same mistake again. tl;dr: How do I find a legit talent manager that represents actual working actors, what is the best way to go about asking for representation (email, appointment, etc)?
Hey everyone, So I'm 25, currently based on the Gold Coast, Queensland. I'd like to know; 1\) Would I need to move to Melbourne or Sydney eventually? 2\) How much experience or how many booked roles should I aim for prior to considering a move to LA? I've had minimal acting experience \(extra on the set of a feature film \+ lead role in a student short film recently\), and my agent knows that I am committed to being proactive with my career and seeking my own opportunities as well \(doing unpaid student films for more experience\). Any advice/thoughts or past experience input would be appreciated!
Hey guys! I’m moving back to Canada in the summer (most likely going to be in Peterborough) and I’m very new to acting. I have always wanted to be an actress but due to moving around a lot and being very shy, I never really had the chance to stick to it and improve. Recently my school decided to make a short film as a sort of advertisement and the director wanted me to be interviewed and to interview others because he said I have a very good voice on film and I have a very good stage presence or something like that I don’t remember exactly what he said lol. I decided to be in the short film because I wanted to have a little more experience in front of the camera. After being in the short film, I realized I was not very comfortable in front of the camera, but I still love acting. So now I’m thinking of joining a theatre group because I want to learn how to act and get used to acting with others who also take it seriously. If you guys know of any theatre groups that are good with newcomers, let me know!! I would also like to know of any good acting classes and if you guys know how to feel more comfortable in front of the camera. Thank you all so much!
Hey guys! So I recently got an agent, and I'm completely new to the film world. I've had several auditions the past few weeks, and my last submitted audition was last night. I got a cmail message congratulating me on my agent submitting that last audition tape to the casting director and I was very confused. Are my other tapes not being submitted?
Hello! I'm looking for talented actors with good quality audio or just someone who's looking to learn about voice acting and just acting in general to voice act in some anime's I'm dubbing. I'll put together all of the audio into one video and it'll be like an English dub. But a English dub that doesn't sound like garbage. If you're interested PM me!
Hey guys. I have been speaking to people who are interested in being my scene partner im a demo reel scene. This will be professionally shot. I dont know if I should choose some of my acquainces I know who are mediocore actors, or if I should choose strong actors I dont know... does it matter if my scene partner isnt that great of am actor. Not trying to sound arrogant even though I accept that it comes off that way. My reasoning is that it shouldnt matter since agents will focus on me abilities and not my partner. Its not a big deal For me to find these people either way so what y'all think.
Just want to know. Have a nice day!
I've been working on learning different English accents (I'm American), to help expand my range - I'm having some trouble distinguishing between the various accents and dialects and would appreciate any tips or resources that could help me.
Something pretty weird \(and awkward\) happened in my acting class today, and I'm curious to know others' opinions on it. So normally, the class is just me and one other person, but another person enrolled for the remainder of the session after shadowing one class a few weeks ago. During the class she shadowed we went over the script we're still working on this week. This girl seemed kinda put off by one of the characters in the script, but we all were at the time, so I didn't think anything of it \(it's a scene from Doubt\). Anyway, this girl shows up 3 weeks later, 25ish minutes late, with a friend. She doesn't have her script because she "thought we had moved onto something else." My teacher says it's fine, and we prepare to continue working. Then out of the blue, she bluntly says that she doesn't want to participate because she "really doesn't like this script." Unsurprisingly, my teacher didn't take to this comment too well, and the girl elaborates, saying that the scene makes her uncomfortable. Teacher responds by saying that it's a great play and that he's not going to sacrifice great material because of the subject matter, and she can either work with the script or leave the class. He tries to explain but the girl interrupts and says she'll just leave the class. She gets up and before she leaves she argues with the teacher some more, saying things like "if you could just be considerate about how other people might react to something like this..." and if he "were a kind person" he'd take her feelings into account or whatever. Then teacher says that if she actually looked into the play like he asked, she would know that the characters in the scene are more sympathetic than she originally thought. Then she walked out. It was all very tense, though no screaming or anything. I honestly blocked a lot of it out because it was so uncomfortable to just be standing there while all this was happening. I'm a very non\-confrontational person, so this all felt very awkward to witness. I also have mixed feelings about it. What should be done when an actor objects to subject matter in the script for a class? Should the actor be able to just put their feelings aside and just act, or should the teacher take their discomfort \(and possible triggers?\) into account?
All I want is to act. I wish it can just be easy for me. Right now, I have no access to transportation and I don't have a lot of money. My mom doesn't know how to just simply talk to me. Everything turns into a lecture where it sounds like she's attacking me. She wants me to find something else since I need to find a job that has health insurance benefits. She may be right but the way she says it just make me feel depressed. The only thing I am willing to do while I audition is either be a content writer or a tour guide. I don't live in an area where there are opportunities and I cannot afford to move. I just feel like my life is not going to get any better. One thing I am also scared about with acting is if actors get health insurance benefits or are they able to pay them off because of how successful they become? I would really appreciate an answer from someone soon because I feel really alone right now. I know this conversation is going to come up again later tonight since she'll speak to my dad of what happened and then I'll have to hear from both of them. I'm really scared of what is to come.
we often hear what performances are great, but which ones in your view were bad or could have been done differently? I feel as an actor you shouldn't only notice good performances but also be attuned to bad ones (or ones that can be improved) as well, since ultimatley you need to be able to form a judgment of seems good and what isn't. This includes overrated ones too. thoughts?
Hi, my name is dorein. I am an international grad student from India. Came here finished my masters in CS from a shady school that got deacredited and so I am pursuing a second masters in Information system security. Since all the money that I saved up(or my mother's rather) went into the first degree that is useless now. I am unable to pay up for the second degree. Why the heck am I saying all this? I really didn't know how else to start my monkey back story and garner some sympathy. Having said all that I have least interest in IT. But I do have great interest in entertaining people and being critically acclaimed as an actor; who can intrigue the minds of people. If that's a little too much. Just tell me where to start applying for the casting couch.
Hi there, My name is Christina, and I am just getting back into the acting industry. I started taking classes and modeling at age 14. I was signed to an agency for two years until it went bankrupt. I took the time off and finished school and furthered my education...
So I just read the awesome Backstage article about actess Amy Aquino and how you shouldn't take rejection personally. In the article, Ms. Aquino says to get feedback from every audition. How does one do that? I get no feedback from my agent unless it's a callback. If it's not...
Hi everyone, new to this whole reddit thing...I need some help does anyone know of who can help me set up and keep running an acting website? I would like to get it up and running as quickly as possible just a little stuck...any info will help! Thanks!!!